5 Exam Retakes


Exam Retake Policy

At Three Sixty Security, we offer our learners the opportunity to succeed by providing a generous retake policy. For just £50.00, learners can secure up to 5 exam resits for any of their course exams.

How It Works:

  • Flexibility: If a learner fails any exam, they can retake it up to five times. This flexibility ensures that learners have ample opportunity to pass and achieve certification.

  • Multiple Exam Fails: If a learner fails multiple units, they can use their retakes across these units as needed. For instance, if four units are failed, each can be retaken, with one additional retake still available if needed.

This policy is designed to give learners peace of mind and support their journey to success, ensuring that one challenging exam doesn't hinder their progress in security training.

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